Law firm jobs can be found in every area of the country, large cities of course but also small and mid-sized cities. Some of the largest firms have moved operations to surprising locations. That’s where you can find IT, Litigation Support, Human Resources, and Accounting.
This may come as a surprise to some but major law firms have been steadily moving their back office operations to locations in the Midwest and Southern states. There’s a good reason why this trend has taken off, cost-savings. Firms can save a bundle on real estate as well as payroll, two of the biggest costs and ones that have been steadily escalating every year. The major law firms have traditionally been based in major cities around the world and still are; New York, DC, Chicago, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Toronto. Now, they have opened up offices to house administrative functions in locations such as Nashville, Tennessee, Dayton, Ohio, Wheeling West Virginia and Tampa, Florida. This brings tremendous opportunities to highly skilled professionals who can enjoy a tremendous career while living in an area with a lower cost of living and better quality of life. When firms are unable to find local talent, if they find the right person elsewhere, they are sometimes willing to relocate the person and their family. They may even provide a relocation incentive package.